What type of organizations need AskEveryone?
We think AskEveryone can be helpful to all organizations that want to have a clear-eyed view of what’s going on within their organization. That being said, organizations we believe that have recently experienced a significant event (merger, acquisition, new leadership, loss of a client, launch of a new product, rapid growth, layoffs) would most benefit from the insights we provide.
How much time will it take our employees?
It depends upon the size of the organization and the number of people that are visible to the reviewers however, in our experience most people will be able to provide feedback on everyone visible to them in 2 minutes or less and feedback on those with whom they work most closely in 10-15 minutes.
For what size organization will this work best?
Ever heard of Dunbar’s number? If you haven’t, take a minute to read the link because it’s super interesting. Anyway, we think our approach will work best for organizations or teams that have fewer than 150 people.
Why use this approach?
Because it is data-driven and more powered than traditional approaches. How one, or even a handful, of individuals perceive another individual to be performing will have bias and may not reflect reality. However, when everyone weighs in reality becomes far more obvious. Also, those hunches you’ve had will be validated or dismissed, or at the very least, put into a broader context that allows you to more fully understand the root cause.
How long will the process take from start to finish?
From socializing the idea within your organization to delivering individual, team, and company reports, the process should take about 4-6 weeks.
Do you have a Privacy Policy?
Yes. Language coming soon.
What does it cost?
Our services will pay for themselves several times over if you take action on the insights we deliver. The factors we consider when pricing our services are as follows:
- Size of the organization or team being assessed.
- Estimated proportion of very high performing individuals and very low performing individuals (this helps us to predict the financial impact of our recommendations).
- Average annual compensation.